• How much time and effort do you spend on social media? Which sites or apps do you use, and which is your favourite?
  • What do you enjoy the mst about social media, and how has it helped your career and your personal life?
  • What do you perceive as the worst things about social media, and how have they affected you, your work, and/or your career?
  • Do you feel that different sites encourage or discourage certain behaviours, and if so, can you share some examples? Does this influence your decision to use or not use certain sites?
  • How do you maintain balance and boundaries with your followers, readers, and fans online? How do you approach building your "brand", and is it working for you?
  • There's been a lot of criticism around social media and its place in creative industries lately - Tumblr banning sexual content, Kickstarter being anti-uinion, Instagram's algorithm forcing creators into burnout, etc. Do you feel that things need to change, and if so, how? How do you see the future of social media as it relates to the comics industry?