- Have you ever collaborted with a writer or another artist, or do you always work alone? Which way of working do you prefer?
- Share a good experience you've had collaborating with a partner. What contributed to the process being positive?
- Have you ever had a bad experience working together with another creator? What do you think was the problem, and what (if at all) do you feel you have learned from it?
- What is your dream collaboration? Is there a specific person you would like to work with, or a project you would be interested in joining? If nothing specific comes to mind, make up a fantasy scenario!
- What do you feel that you gain from collaboration, and what do you potentially lose? Are the shared responsibilities and potential improvement of the material worth sacrificing your control over it and having to make compromises?
- Serialised comics tend to have teams of creators working together (writer, penciler, inker, flatter, colourist, letterer, editor) while indie publishing can have books with only one or two people involved. Do you feel like this shapes the comics they put out, and does it influence where you would like to publish your own work?